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with Donors   |   with Ahotokurom   |   with DMJ

Our Relationship With Donors


Friends of Ahotokurom is essentially a group of friends, people who have become connected with the work of Ahotokurom (Padre Pio Rehabilitation Centre). We are a group of friends who want to help the centre.  We are not an organisation, although we do operate formally under the auspices of the Daughters of Mary and Joseph Congregation Fund CIO - Registered Charity Number : 1163470

We maintain appropriate accountability to the Daughters of Mary and Joseph (DMJ). Our bookkeeper maintains clear records of transactions; these are reviewed and prepared as accounts by our treasurer, verified by the group and passed to the DMJ charity annually for audit purposes.

We meet formally twice a year to receive reports on the work, to report on income and transfers to Ghana and to plan further support activities. Outside of our meetings we work individually or in small groups on the various projects we undertake. We do not have any staff, or charge any administration costs. All work is undertaken on a voluntary basis. All donations go directly to support the work of Ahotokurom.

When donations are made, donors may identify any specific purpose the funds may be intended for, and we record donations accordingly. Where a specific project is indicated, the donation is then designated as a restricted fund within our accounts.

We try to minimise reporting requirements and restrictions, mindful of the reality that excessive reporting requirements can take away from the demands of the face to face work in Ghana. Friends of Ahotokurom do not therefore request/report detailed financial reports on Ghana expenditure (unless required by a third party, to which all have agreed - see next note below). However, we do value our relationship with Ahotokurom and with donors, and we know that feedback on the work is appreciated. We undertake therefore to produce two newsletters a year for all donors.

Where specific reporting detail is required by a funding organisation or group we will negotiate with Ahotokurom and the DMJ as to whether all can meet and accept these reporting requirements and if so, we (Friends of Ahotokurom) are happy to undertake this responsibility as a group of volunteers.


Ahotokurom (Padre Pio Rehabilitation Centre) provide accounts and reports via DMJ Africa to the DMJ Congregation Fund CIO to satisfy UK Charity law and audit requirements.

We try to encourage tax-efficient-giving through operation within the Gift Aid Scheme. All donors who are UK Tax payers are invited to complete a Gift Aid form and the tax is claimed back on an annual basis to further contribute to the work.

Donors are informed that in the unlikely event of Friends of Ahotokurom or Ahotokurom winding up its work, all outstanding funds will be passed to the DMJ Congregation Fund CIO to be given for Social Welfare work with disadvantaged people within the African Province.



Our Relationship With Ahotokurom (Padre Pio Rehabilitation Centre)


The funds raised by Friends of Ahotokurom for the work in Ahotokurom, Ghana, are raised to support projects additional to the day to day running costs of the centre and enable Ahotokurom to undertake work and acts of charity that they could not otherwise do.

The general day to day core running costs of Ahotokurom are provided for by various funders. Additional projects such as school fees, scholarships, housing, medical fees, food and clothing for the poorest of the poor and extras for the children in care at birthdays or Christmas are provided for through our donations.

Currently, funding is given for general purposes or for specific projects. Where donors identify a specific area of work that they want to support, their donation is allocated within the accounts accordingly. This then becomes a "restricted fund" (in accordance with the Charity Commission SORP) to be used only for that purpose. Current restricted funds are:


  • Scholarships

  • Sponsorship of children

  • Special Needs School / Assessment Unit


General funds are those identified for no particular purpose. These can be used in any aspect of the work and therefore allow greater flexibility in response to need.

When money is forwarded to Ghana, it is given together with a breakdown of the allocation. The purpose for which funds were intended is clearly indicated. Ahotokurom then use the money accordingly.

Friends of Ahotokurom seek to minimise reporting requirements recognising that reporting restrictions can take time from face to face work, however Ahotokurom (Padre Pio Rehabilitation Centre) provide accounts and reports via DMJ Africa to the DMJ Congregation Fund CIO to satisfy UK Charity law and audit requirements.

Friends of Ahotokurom do value the relationship with Ahotokurom in Ghana and therefore value feedback from our friends in Ghana. Ahotokurom provide feedback at least twice a year in the form of news and updates on the people and the work. Friends then pass this on via a newsletter, to all who have supported the project during the year.

In a situation where there are specific reporting requirements Friends of Ahotokurom will raise the matter with the DMJ in advance of accepting a donation and ensure that all parties understand and agree to the requirements. Where there is agreement Friends of Ahotokurom are willing to undertake the necessary paperwork on a voluntary basis.

Whilst Ahotokurom and Friends of Ahotokurom continue to exist under the DMJ Sisters our mutual relationship will be maintained. In the unlikely event of Friends of Ahotokurom or Ahotokurom winding up its work, all outstanding funds will be passed to the DMJ Congregation Fund CIO to be given for Social Welfare work with disadvantaged people within the African Province.

The funds available are time limited. Friends of Ahotokurom maintain a commitment on an annual basis. We respond to requests from Ahotokurom wherever possible, however no project or funding for individuals can be considered ongoing on a long term basis.


Our Relationship With The DMJ Congregation Fund CIO


Friends of Ahotokurom operate under the auspices of the DMJ Congregation Fund CIO (Charity No. 1163470). As such Friends of Ahotokurom maintains appropriate accountability to the DMJ.

To this end a representative of the DMJ Congregation Fund CIO retains a position on the Friends of Ahotokurom and attends meetings ensuring that communication takes place between the groups.

On occasion (such as significant change in leadership team) an additional meeting will be arranged between representatives of both groups to ensure that the work of the Friends of Ahotokurom remains within the vision, structures and mission of the DMJ.


Friends of Ahotokurom ensure clear financial accountability for charity income i.e. funds raised and donated in the UK. All funds raised on behalf of the DMJ are managed to maximise resources available. The Friends of Ahotokurom provides appropriate information for DMJ Congregation Fund CIO Audit purposes.

The DMJ ensure clear financial accountability for charity expenditure. The transfer of funds to Ghana is undertaken by the DMJ Congregation Fund CIO.  Appropriate reporting on charity expenditure is provided directly to DMJ Africa for audit purposes.


When funds are passed to the DMJ CIO for transfer to Ghana a record of the amounts given and the purposes for which it is to be used (restricted funds) is given to the DMJ Congregation Fund CIO and a copy held by Friends.

Where a funder requires specific reporting information Friends of Ahotokurom will raise the matter with the DMJ in advance of accepting a donation and will ensure that all parties understand and agree to the requirements. Where there is agreement Friends of Ahotokurom are willing to undertake the necessary paperwork.

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