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Our new charity

Introducing Friends of Ahoto (PPRC)

In 2023, Ahotokurom (PPRC) experienced some significant changes. Sister Pat and Sister Monica have retired to the UK and Ireland after a lifetime of service, which has impacted the structure and staffing on the ground. The team has faced many challenges in weathering these changes, but despite this, Ahotokurom (PPRC)'s mission continues under Dr Mark Mantey's expert leadership. The centre is formally registered as a charity in Ghana, and the team there is working to raise funds in Ghana and across Europe to support people affected by leprosy and other disabilities. 


These changes meant that here in the UK and Ireland, we too have had to restructure as a UK charity to continue supporting and working with Ahotokurom (PPRC).

A new charity 

With DMJ support, we’re delighted to have registered a new charity to continue this work. The new charity called ‘Friends of Ahoto (PPRC)’ is now a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, registered charity number 1207008. 


We are also pleased to announce that Sebastien Santhiapillai was unanimously voted in as the new charity Chair, and will have support from Vice Chair Trudy Kilcullen and the other trustees - many of whom have had a long-standing commitment to Ahotokurom (PPRC) through the DMJ charity.

Our new bank details - what you need to know

We’ve opened a new bank account, which we had to do as part of the new charity registration. Funds and donations received into the old bank account (DMJ Friends of Ahotokurom) have now been transferred over by our team of volunteers (but don’t worry, as this old account will stay open for a year to ensure all donors are transferred across!)  


Sr Annette DMJ has kindly remained as our treasurer and as a volunteer ensuring every penny is sent to the team in Ahotokurom (PPRC).

Switching to our new bank account - what you need to do

From now on, we kindly ask that any future donations or regular gifts be sent to our new account.
Our account details are:

  • Name: Friends of Ahoto (PPRC) CIO

  • Sort code: 23-05-80

  • Account number:  54609396

Please contact the team below if you have any questions about this change, or any issues switching to the new details. If you do donate by BACS we can confirm receipt if you let us know the details - please email Sr Annette Lawrence regarding this.


Thank you so much for your continuing support. If you have any questions or concerns – please email Seb, Trudy, or call Fr Doug on 01322 524813.

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